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- Body Shops ·
Stop pouring money the drain in your bodyshop Part 1
It is not a secret that a body repair shop, regardless of its size, is a business; and every business…

- Body Shops ·
Tip 7. How to increase your bodyshop revenue by repairing alloy wheels?
It has been a while since I wrote my last post about bodyshop’s revenue growth ideas. So, here you are.…

- Body Shops ·
Stop pouring money down the drain in your bodyshop. Part 2.
This is the second post in series of articles about how to stop wasting money in your bodyshop, and…

- Body Shops ·
What we can learn from car sprayers in so-called “developing” countries?
October has been quite a busy month for me. I traveled a lot, visited Jordan, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, FYR of…

- Body Shops ·
Welcome to your new TypePad blog!
Welcome! This is the first post on your new TypePad blog. This post is in a Draft state which means…

- Body Shops ·
What is the most important way to promote your bodyshop?
by Aslamazis Alexandros If I was asked which way is the best to promote a small business like a car…

- Body Shops ·
Tip 6. How to increase your bodyshop revenue by repairing damages of the car interior?
It was a long time since I wrote my last tip about the ways to increase income revenue in your…

- Paint Supplies Shops ·
Pareto principle for automotive paint retail shop.
In this post I will refer to a common rule of thumb in business and not only, called the Pareto…

- Paint Supplies Shops ·
Why the collision repair business will drop by 20% until 2022?
I have read a thought provoking article written by David P. Carlisle in his blog on The original article…