7 reasons why you should reserve time for testing new products in your bodyshop.

Etalon polyester putty testing

Can you imagine your business with the same consumables, which were used twenty years ago? Maybe the same paint materials? How about painting job with a brush? Sounds funny, doesn’t it? Yet, we would have no progress in our job or everyday life if someone sometime didn’t give a chance to a new product or equipment.

I am writing this post, because just like many car refinishing materials supplier, in Etalon we virtually struggle to make our existing or prospect customers just to test what we have. I know it may sound like pitching, but unless you truly try a new brand, product or piece of equipment, you will never advance in your work. You actually will have to, at some point, but perhaps it will cost you lost earnings or even the business altogether.

Etalon polishing system testing

Here I present some very simple reasons why your body shop needs to adopt new products testing in your agenda:

1. By accepting to test some new materials (and I mean really testing and giving honest feedback), you will establish partnership relations with your jobber or supplier. And to keep your supplier happy is vital for your business (link to post about suppliers)

2. You may not have time to attend training courses offered by your paint supplier, but by testing new products you will actually have a tech rep from the company all yours. This is very easy and cheap way to stay in tune with new technology.

3. By learning new technics and materials for car refinishing process, you will definitely improve your overall efficiency and profitability.

4. Being early adopter of a new product will establish yourself as an expert, and customers, insurance agents and suppliers will be your source for business referrals. (Link to the related post)

 5. Very often a supplier offers to the early adopters for their novelties some special discounts and other incentives. At least in Etalon, we always do so.

6. If your business will be among the first ones to test and approve the novelty, free publicity may come as bonus. Case studies with real users are a good way for the producer to promote his product, and for the user to get free advertising for his body shop.

7. Finally, you will have free staff for your job, saving a few bucks now and then isn’t bad at all.

Body shop consumables testing

Probably there are even more benefits from offering your services for testing something new for the industry, but remember that your supplier needs sincere feedback and involvement from your side. Reserve some time for tests without pressure and rush. Be precise, have a method and always tell the truth, even if it is not very positive.



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