5 things to stop procrastinating in a bodyshop

Procrastination 2

According to Wikipedia, procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time, sometimes to the “last minute” before the deadline.

Procrastination 1

Well, procrastination is something we face in our personal and home choirs. We simply tend to postpone these things for later. They are kind of not so urgent or, at least, we want to believe so. However, procrastination in your working life may have far more serious consequences. I think we can identify 5 things we often procrastinate in a bodyshop, while we shouldn’t.

Procrastinate now and panic later

  1. Changing filters in a spray booth.

In one of Etalon recent newsletters I wrote about the most frequent paint defect – dust inclusions in a clear coat. Clean spray booth filters will significantly decrease this type of paint problem, so, please, make sure you keep your filters in a good condition.

Ceiling filter etalon

      2. Cleaning up the place.

I will never stop saying that a clean working environment in car refinishing job is extremely vital. Think of it. How much time do you waste every day just because you can’t find some tool? How many customers may leave your place simply because they don’t like how your shop looks? How much dust is in the air causing you all those nasty dust nibs in the paint? Spend one weekend to clean the mess and you will enjoy the rewards. Guaranteed.

Clean it up

     3. Replace the old ugly sign of your shop.

I always wonder why many collision repair shops don’t change their signs regularly. It undoubtedly puts you off when you see old phone number, faded letters and invalid contact details on a weatherworn dusty sign. Change it, put a new one, spend a few bucks on it, and it will definitely pay back.

Old sign 2

    4. Creating a webpage.

Well, this is my favourite. A huge number of car paint shops have no website whatsoever. We all know it is important; not having a website is like not having a phone number or email in our days. Webpage is a window to the outer world. Any marketing effort will be undermined if your ad doesn’t have a website on it. Majority of potential customers won’t bother to call you. Find a local web designer, call him and proceed. No more excuses.


   5. Re-fresh your wall paint

Greyish walls inside and outside your bodyshop, rusty doors and faded interior will turn off your customers as much as the mess and litter around. A simple face-lift of your place will boost your self-esteem; make you a little bit happier while you spend hours and hours there. Remember that you must paint your walls first if you want to paint cars!

Paint walls




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