5 gifs ideas for car painter

This is the last post for 2014. I thank everyone who took time to read and comment on my articles. I hope that 2015 will bring peace, prosperity and health to our troubled world. I don’t feel like writing too long post on some technical staff or bodyshop management. It is time to relax, take time with your family, kids and … make presents to your loved ones, and, why not, to yourself. You deserved it anyway. So, whether you have some fellow car painter or panel beater, or you just want to make yourself a little happier these days, find below my 5 suggestions for gifts:

  1. A good coffee machine. 

coffee machine

The vast majority of us like coffee. This divine drink is widespread and I have seen it in every single bodyshop I visited worldwide. However, most of the times bodyshop guys drink something very distant to a nice espresso or cappuccino. Luckily, nowadays one can find a great variety of great design and affordable coffee making machines, which within minutes will serve you with wonderful coffee. And, next time you will have a customer or business associate visiting you, a nice cup of freshly made coffee may give you even a small competitive advantage.

  1. Wireless headphones.

wireless headphones

Regardless of what type of music do you prefer, it will make your hard work (and, yes, sometimes work in bodyshop is very hard) a little easier. If most of MP3 players now are quite small, they come with those nasty long wires from headphones, which will hinder your work. This is why wireless headphone would be a great gadget to have for any car painter.

  1. A set of personal protection equipment.

air fed visor

There is no better way to show that you care about a person than to make a present with the last technology personal protection. Half-mask or air-fed visor are the best options. What is important, this gift will also remove all excuses for not using breathing protection.

  1. A ticket for a (football, soccer, rugby etc) match.


Bodyshop is a men’s world, whether we like it or not. And men like sports. Football is the most important and popular sport in continental Europe, for example. Check when his favorite team is playing (preferably some important game or final) and book the ticket.

  1. A new spray gun.

Devilbiss gti pro lite

Well, this one is closely related to a painter’s everyday job. For many car sprayers their spray guns (you should really check some Facebook posts with spray guns arsenal on display) is a subject of pride. The last model of his favorite spray gun brand will be highly appreciated. Consider special edition gun, engraving his name or short wish to make it exclusive.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my dear readers!



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